Where there’s a Will, there’s a way!

A Non-Partisan Candidate trying to bring excellent representation, a reinvigorated environment, and greater services to South Reno, Ward 6.

  • With a decade and a half of Government experience (of all kinds) you know you won’t have to wait on me to understand how to get things done, follow ethics rules, submit proper travel forms, and help our citizens. I know plenty of city staff and can get right to work. Unlike most candidates who have never worked with or in government, I know how to make government work for you. Why not vote for a candidate who is already a public servant?

  • I’ve been elected three times by the Washoe County Employees Association’s 1,700 union members and currently serve as their Treasurer. I’m a staunch advocate for Labor Rights, fiscal responsibility, and I have built a reputation on advocacy, clarity, accountability, and transparency. I’m currently going through my second round of union negotiations. I always put in the work, and any of my Union members will back that.

  • If you know me then you know I’ll fight for what I believe and what you want. In 2022, I was the only Nevadan who upheld our state constitutional term limits. I represented myself and took sued all the way to our Supreme Court to try to secure our rights and laws. I’ve challenged County Leadership time and time again, always dealt honestly, and called out bullshit. You know I’m going to do what I say, you can depend on me, and I promise you’ll never have cause to say, “He never stood for anything” because I’m going to stand up for you.